[See also: this page in Slovenian.]
This is a selection from the misc database, which is publicly available and has been used in the image retrieval literature. It originated with Virage (Natsev et al., 1998), and is now available from www-db.stanford.edu. This may be as close as one can get to a standard dataset for image retrieval and image classification, where traditionally each author uses his or her own home-brewn image database.
The original collection consists of approximately 10000 images, from which I selected 1172 and classified them into 14 (disjoint) classes. I also prepared folds for tenfold cross-validation; each fold consists of 117 images, except for folds 0 and 4, which contain 118 images each. Care has been taken to give each class approximately the same number of representatives in each fold (stratified cross-validation).
Class name | Image numbers by folds | |||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
Butterflies (101 pictures) | 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 | 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 4569 | 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 4573 | 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 | 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 | 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 | 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 | 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 | 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97 | 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 |
Stars and Stripes (32 pictures) | 4091 4828 4858 7339 | 4094 4829 4861 7340 | 4128 4830 4862 | 4129 4831 4945 | 4133 4832 4951 | 4179 4833 4956 | 4181 4834 7335 | 4825 4835 7336 | 4826 4849 7337 | 4827 4857 7338 |
Sunsets (224 pictures) | 290 702 712 722 732 742 752 762 772 782 792 1242 1383 1800 1847 2354 3557 4218 4499 4772 6288 6298 | 513 703 713 723 733 743 753 763 773 783 793 1259 1384 1802 1852 2355 3678 4393 4523 5373 6289 6299 | 519 704 714 724 734 744 754 764 774 784 794 1268 1390 1803 1855 2356 3721 4394 4534 5374 6290 6300 | 520 705 715 725 735 745 755 765 775 785 795 1302 1394 1808 1857 3348 3722 4395 4537 5375 6291 6308 | 527 706 716 726 736 746 756 766 776 786 796 1329 1395 1809 1859 3367 3723 4397 4538 6282 6292 8375 | 128 541 707 717 727 737 747 757 767 777 787 797 1367 1397 1825 1862 3514 3740 4398 4539 6283 6293 8388 | 140 546 708 718 728 738 748 758 768 778 788 798 1368 1793 1828 1867 3537 3782 4399 4675 6284 6294 9252 | 146 550 709 719 729 739 749 759 769 779 789 799 1370 1795 1837 2200 3544 4053 4400 4676 6285 6295 9257 | 163 572 710 720 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 1211 1371 1797 1841 2352 3549 4123 4445 4677 6286 6296 9258 | 207 701 711 721 731 741 751 761 771 781 791 1239 1382 1799 1842 2353 3556 4124 4460 4711 6287 6297 |
Autumn (68 pictures) | 4109 4960 4976 4996 5018 6353 7474 | 4238 4961 4977 5004 5019 6354 7476 | 4492 4962 4978 5009 5020 6355 7477 | 4493 4963 4979 5010 5021 7148 7478 | 4495 4964 4980 5011 5022 7467 7485 | 4496 4965 4988 5012 5023 7468 7487 | 4497 4966 4989 5014 5024 7469 8130 | 4957 4967 4993 5015 5025 7470 | 4958 4968 4994 5016 6351 7472 | 901 4959 4969 4995 5017 6352 7473 |
Flowers (201 pictures) | 466 487 806 816 826 836 846 856 866 876 886 4511 5558 5568 5580 8262 8272 8283 9277 9900 | 472 493 807 817 827 837 847 857 867 877 887 4518 5559 5569 5581 8263 8273 8284 9278 9901 | 473 494 808 818 828 838 848 858 868 878 888 4550 5560 5570 5582 8264 8274 8285 9279 9902 | 474 495 809 819 829 839 849 859 869 879 889 4672 5561 5571 5583 8265 8275 8286 9280 9903 | 475 800 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 4674 5562 5572 5584 8266 8276 8287 9281 9904 | 479 801 811 821 831 841 851 861 871 881 4465 5551 5563 5573 5585 8267 8277 8288 9282 9905 | 480 802 812 822 832 842 852 862 872 882 4474 5552 5564 5576 5586 8268 8278 8289 9283 9906 | 451 481 803 813 823 833 843 853 863 873 883 4475 5553 5565 5577 5587 8269 8280 8290 9284 9907 | 459 482 804 814 824 834 844 854 864 874 884 4507 5554 5566 5578 5589 8270 8281 8291 9898 | 460 486 805 815 825 835 845 855 865 875 885 4509 5555 5567 5579 8261 8271 8282 9276 9899 |
Planets (56 pictures) | 662 2346 2399 2413 2460 | 673 2350 2400 2414 2466 | 679 2360 2402 2415 2470 | 682 2365 2403 2416 2472 | 614 686 2366 2407 2417 4194 | 617 693 2368 2408 2441 4195 | 619 2064 2378 2409 2453 4196 | 620 2069 2379 2410 2454 5423 | 621 2074 2395 2411 2455 6416 | 647 2204 2398 2412 2458 8304 |
Satellite Images of Earth (61 pictures) | 2451 2505 6747 6758 6768 6778 | 2452 2506 6748 6759 6769 6779 | 609 2456 2507 6749 6760 6770 6780 | 618 2461 2508 6750 6761 6771 | 623 2468 6741 6751 6762 6772 | 624 2469 6742 6752 6763 6773 | 625 2473 6743 6754 6764 6774 | 659 2475 6744 6755 6765 6775 | 661 2503 6745 6756 6766 6776 | 671 2504 6746 6757 6767 6777 |
Cars (99 pictures) | 1601 1611 1621 1631 1641 1651 1661 1671 1681 1691 | 1602 1612 1622 1632 1642 1652 1662 1672 1682 1692 | 1603 1613 1623 1633 1643 1653 1663 1673 1683 | 1594 1604 1614 1624 1634 1644 1654 1664 1674 1684 | 1595 1605 1615 1625 1635 1645 1655 1665 1675 1685 | 1596 1606 1616 1626 1636 1646 1656 1666 1676 1686 | 1597 1607 1617 1627 1637 1647 1657 1667 1677 1687 | 1598 1608 1618 1628 1638 1648 1658 1668 1678 1688 | 1599 1609 1619 1629 1639 1649 1659 1669 1679 1689 | 1600 1610 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 1680 1690 |
Mountains (60 pictures) | 303 2072 4725 6198 7990 9511 | 100 304 3558 4731 6199 7991 | 105 313 3618 6185 6200 7992 | 116 363 3619 6189 6208 7995 | 120 373 3649 6190 6209 7997 | 124 398 3657 6191 6210 7999 | 125 561 3711 6192 7601 8319 | 152 566 4469 6193 7602 8331 | 190 570 4531 6196 7964 8333 | 196 1882 4532 6197 7970 8338 |
Clouds (65 pictures) | 4261 4519 5372 7588 9229 9353 | 2651 4270 4535 6243 7611 9230 9354 | 2652 4271 4542 6250 7612 9237 9355 | 2653 4277 4651 6252 7613 9238 9356 | 2654 4283 4656 6253 9180 9239 9357 | 2655 4290 4658 6254 9181 9262 9358 | 2656 4292 4662 6255 9182 9348 | 4093 4296 4682 6361 9226 9349 | 4100 4313 4684 7541 9227 9351 | 4260 4512 5371 7587 9228 9352 |
Sea (35 pictures) | 1392 4452 7844 8248 | 1393 4453 7886 | 1398 4454 7890 | 2062 4455 7891 | 3546 4747 7899 | 4414 4809 7902 | 248 4448 4815 7938 | 1366 4449 7244 7953 | 1369 4450 7842 7954 | 1391 4451 7843 8035 |
Surfboards (71 pictures) | 202 1715 1726 1745 1755 1766 1785 4700 | 1695 1716 1729 1746 1756 1767 1786 | 1696 1717 1730 1747 1757 1772 1787 | 1697 1718 1732 1748 1758 1773 1789 | 1698 1719 1733 1749 1759 1774 3807 | 1699 1720 1735 1750 1760 1776 3808 | 1700 1721 1737 1751 1761 1777 4437 | 1711 1722 1739 1752 1762 1779 4613 | 1713 1723 1740 1753 1763 1782 4633 | 1714 1724 1742 1754 1764 1784 4635 |
Sailboats (37 pictures) | 3037 3047 3110 3124 | 3038 3048 3111 3126 | 3039 3049 3112 3128 | 3040 3050 3113 3806 | 3041 3051 3114 8250 | 3042 3100 3115 | 3043 3106 3116 | 3044 3107 3117 | 3035 3045 3108 3118 | 3036 3046 3109 3122 |
Prairie Animals (62 pictures) | 9642 9771 9797 9873 9883 9893 | 9645 9772 9803 9874 9884 9894 | 9756 9773 9861 9875 9885 9895 | 347 9757 9774 9862 9876 9886 9896 | 9625 9765 9775 9863 9877 9887 9897 | 9627 9766 9778 9864 9878 9888 | 9629 9767 9779 9865 9879 9889 | 9630 9768 9780 9866 9880 9890 | 9634 9769 9795 9867 9881 9891 | 9635 9770 9796 9871 9882 9892 |
The list of images is also available in a plain-text file. It has one line per image, containing the name of the image, the name of its class, and the fold number (0 through 9), separated by tabs.
[To the index.]
Janez Brank, 23 November 2001